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Payroll Queries

General Guidelines

  • Enter your selection criteria in the same format as the examples (dates, department codes). The screenshots used in the instructions for each report represent examples of commonly used fields.
  • Click the Valid Values button to choose your criteria or check the formatting of the field.
  • Be sure to use CAPS when entering the selection data.
  • HRMS IUIE information begins with the 2003 tax year.
  • If a field can contain wildcards, a "Wildcards Allowed" link will display to the right of the field. Click the link to view wildcard information in the IU Knowledge Base.
  • Information in the IUIE is one business day old unless noted otherwise.
  • Separate multiple entries in a field with a comma (no spaces).

Remember: You have signed compliance forms agreeing that you will not share payroll information. If you receive a request and are unsure of how to proceed, contact UCO Customer Service.


Query List

Access any of the queries listed below by following this path in IUIE: Master Catalog > Departmental Reporting > Payroll Reports-Departmental

Your IUIE security access is the same as your payroll voucher access. You are only able to run queries on employees in your department.