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Expense This section is designed to give users an understanding of how expenses are recorded within Indiana University, guiding principles for expense recognition and reporting requirements. It focuses on the main expense line items on the income statement:
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Compensation
- Employee Benefits
- Student Financial Aid
- Supplies & Expense
Payments The payments section is intended to provide an understanding of typical streams of payments made by Indiana University. This section includes compliance and best practices related to payments made by IU. The section is broken down into the three main payee types as noted below.
- Payments to Employees includes information related to salary and wage payments, reimbursable employee expenses, contractor payments, fringe benefit payments, policies regarding employee payments and related tax reporting.
- Payments to Suppliers includes information on types of external payments, how to record supplier specific payments, including object codes, and related tax reporting.
- Payments to Individuals honorarium payment, independent contractor payments & research participants
- Payments to Students includes information about federal work study for eligible students, gift cards, travel & hospitality and the related tax payments.