Subject: Holidays - Recording Hours Worked
Source: Office of the University Controller (UCO)
Original Date of Issue: August 2009
Date of Last Revision: December 2021
Rationale: To provide procedure for recording hours worked during a holiday for staff in BW1 and BWP paygroups when scheduled prior to the holiday. **This does not apply to employees that are On Call, Standby, or called in to work on the holiday** Holiday work hours decision tree
Premium holidays for pay purposes: New Year’s Day (January 1st), Martin Luther King Day (third Monday in January), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Junteenth (June 19th), Independence Day (July 4th), Labor Day (first Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (third Thursday in November), Christmas Day (December 25th)
Non-Premium holidays for pay purposes: Campus Holiday (available March 1), Friday After Thanksgiving (third Friday in November)
If employees are away from work on the “official IU observed holiday” and it is a regular scheduled work day, hours should be recorded using the HOL earn code. You cannot use previously accrued holiday hours to cover the current holiday.
Earn Codes:
HOL | Holiday | Away from work for current holiday (paid, subtracts from reg pay) |
HAC | Holiday Accrued | Add hours to the holiday bank to be used later |
HBP | Holiday Bonus | Additional pay for working on holiday - straight hourly rate |
HIP | Holiday Incentive | Additional pay for working holiday - .50 x hrly rate (IU Indianapolis only) |
- Examples in PSOP are for full-time biweekly staff employees (You need to prorate for employees working less than full-time).
- If you have holiday policy issues, please refer to the IUHR policy webpage.
Biweekly Staff Employees (BW1)
Scheduled Work Day: The holiday occurs on a day the employee is regularly scheduled to work but instead of being off the entire holiday, they plan to work some or all 8 hours* on the holiday. They should receive the following compensation:
- Premium Holiday: 20 hours Maximum (double time and one half)
- Non-Premium Holiday: 16 hours Maximum (double time)
The following options are available to record work hours on the timesheet:
Premium Holiday: Hours worked should be included in regular (RGN) hours and one of the following.
- Option 1: Accrue 12.00 hours of holiday to be used later: HAC 12.00 hours
- Option 2: Pay 12.00 hours of HBP (holiday bonus pay)
- Option 3: Accrue 8.00 hours of holiday to be used later: HAC 8.00 hours AND Pay 4.00 hours of HBP (holiday bonus pay)
- Option 4: IU Indianapolis ONLY: Accrue 8.00 hours of holiday to be used later: HAC 8.00 hours AND Pay 8.00 hours of HIP (holiday incentive pay).
Non-Premium Holiday: Hours worked should be included in regular (RGN) hours and one of the following.
- Option 1: Accrue 8.00 hours of holiday to be used later: HAC 8.00 hours (includes IU Indianapolis)
- Option 2: Pay 8.00 hours of HBP (holiday bonus pay)
*If hours worked are less than 8, the calculation is prorated. If an employee works more than 8 hours, the holiday premium is limited to 8 hours. See examples below.
Example 1: Employee’s regular schedule is M-F, 8-5. Premium holiday occurs on Monday and employee comes to work for 4 hours and used HOL for the other 4 hours. Record one of the following options for Monday:
- RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HAC 6.00 hrs
- RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HBP 6.00 hrs
- RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HAC 4.00 hrs, HBP 2.00 hrs
- IU Indianapolis Only: RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HAC 4.00 hrs, HIP 4.00 hrs
The extra compensation for hours worked on this premium holiday = 4 hrs x 1.5 = 6 hrs
Example 2: Same schedule as above except holiday is non-premium. Record one of the following options for Monday:
- RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HAC 4.00 hrs (includes IU Indianapolis)
- RGN 4.00 hrs, HOL 4.00 hrs, HBP 4.00 hrs
The extra compensation for hours worked on this non-premium holiday = 4 hrs x 1 = 4 hrs
Example 3: Employee’s regular schedule is M-Th, 7-6 (10 hrs days). Premium holiday occurs on Monday and employee comes to work for 10 hours. Record one of the following options for Monday:
- RGN 10.00 hrs, HAC 12.00 hrs
- RGN 10.00 hrs, HBP 12.00 hrs
- RGN 10.00 hrs, HAC 8.00 hrs, HBP 4.00 hrs
- IU Indianapolis Only; RGN 10.00 hrs, HAC 8.00 hrs, HIP 8.00 hrs
The extra compensation for hours worked on any premium holiday is limited to 12.00 hours regardless of the number of hours worked. 8 hrs x 1.5 = 12 hrs
Scheduled Day Off: Both the IU observed and legal holiday occurs on a day the employee is NOT scheduled to work. The holiday should be accrued (HAC) to use later. If the employee is comes to work any hours on a holiday (premium or non/premium) which occurs on their regular scheduled day off, they receive the following compensation for the day:
- 8 hrs holiday accrued (HAC) and
- CAL/CB3 for any hours worked on the holiday.
Special Note: Employees working alternate schedules that are required to work on the actual US holiday would follow these procedures on the US holiday instead of the IU observed holiday.
Biweekly Professional Staff Employees (BWP)
When Professional Staff work on a holiday, they receive equivalent time off. Professional Staff employees who are eligible for overtime (BWP) receive time off at a later point equal to the actual time worked on the holiday, up to 8 hours. If the employee works a partial holiday, the portion not worked is considered time off and is charged to HOL hours.
Hours worked should be included in regular (RBP) hours.
Accrue 8.00 hours of holiday to be used later: HAC 8.00 hours
The calculation is: Hours worked X 1 = HAC
Cross Reference:
- Holiday work hours decision tree
- Fiscal Officer's Procedures to Ensure Compliant, Accurate, and Timely Payroll Processing, PSOP 1.0
- Holidays, HR-05-30
Responsible Organization: Office of the University Controller (UCO), University Human Resources