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11.0 - Overtime Policy - Special Exceptions

Subject: Overtime Policy - Special Exceptions

Source: Financial Management Services

Original Date of Issue: April 2012

Date of Revision: December 2018

Rationale: Compensation for overtime work for BW1 and BWP Staff.


BW1 and BWP Staff receive overtime compensation for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week plus the paid-time off categories listed below.  The overtime compensation shall be at a time and one half rate either in the form of pay or compensatory time off.  Time worked in excess of the daily schedule will count as overtime only when the total time worked for the week exceeds 40 hours.

In addition to time actually worked, hours applied to the following categories of paid time off are also included in determining overtime eligibility.

1.    Adverse Weather (WTH)

2.    Adverse Working Conditions (ADW)

3.    Emergency Rest Time (ERT)

4.    Holiday (HOL, HTK)

5.    Injury with pay (INJ)

6.    Union Business (UNB)

7.    Volunteering (VOL)

All other categories of paid benefit time off, such as Vacation, PTO, Sick, and Compensatory time off, do not count as part of the 40 hours in a week to determine if overtime pay is applicable.

In weeks in which an employee uses paid time off (vacation, sick, PTO, etc.), there may be hours worked that do not qualify to be paid as overtime.  These hours worked will be compensated at a straight time rate either in the form of pay or compensatory time off at the department’s choice.  Two payroll codes have been developed for these hours:

  • NEP    Non-overtime eligible pay
  • NEC    Non-overtime eligible comp time (no pay)


Stagehand Union:

Employees covered by the Stagehand union receive time and one-half premium for the following situations:

  • Load-out – minimum 3 hours
  • Hours worked over 8 in a day
  • Hours worked between 12 to 8
  • Hours worked on Sunday

The following codes should be used on the payroll voucher for hours that meet the special criteria.  Stagehand union employees are not using the TIME system, so you need to enter the exact amount of hours on the voucher.

  • SHP (Stagehand premium 1.5) for payment
  • CPP (NoPay-Call Back Premium Comp) to add hours to comp bank


Call Back Procedure:

If an employee is called back to work, they are guaranteed at least 2 hours of overtime pay (3 hours on IU Indianapolis campus). The following codes should be used to override the regular overtime policy.

  • CAL (call back) for payment
  • CPP (NoPay-call back premium comp) to add hours to comp bank


*If you are using TIME, enter the actual in/out times and the system will calc the appropriate CAL or CPP hours.  If you enter hours directly on the payroll voucher, you will have to calculate the appropriate hours to enter.

Cross Reference:

Responsible Organization: Financial Management Services