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Timesheet Correction Report

Query Fields

  1. Timeblock Begin Date (MM/DD/YYYY): leave blank to capture all dates, or enter a specific date at which to begin the search.
  2. Timeblock End Date (MM/DD/YYYY): leave blank to capture all dates, or enter a specific date at which to end the search.
  3. RC Code(s): leave blank to search across all RCs, or enter a value(s) to limit the report to one or more responsibility centers.
  4. Department Id(s): leave blank to search across all departments, or enter a value(s) to limit the report to one or more departments.
  5. Work Area Id(s): leave blank to search across all work areas, or enter a value(s) to limit the report to one or more work areas. Refer to Kuali Time to identify the work area(s) to search for.
  6. Paygroup Code(s): leave blank to search across all paygroups, or enter a value(s) to limit the report to one or more paygroups. Note that selecting a paygroup that does not use Kuali Time (e.g., S12, A10) will result in a failed search.
  7. Document Id(s): leave blank to search all Kuali Time documents, or enter a value(s) to limit the report to one or more documents.
  8. Employee Id(s): leave blank to search all employee timesheets, or enter one or more 10-digit ID numbers to limit the report to one or more employees.
  9. Modified by Employee Id(s): leave blank to search for all users who modified Kuali Time documents, or enter one or more 10-digit ID numbers to limit the report to one or more users.
  10. Pay Period End Date - Begin Range (MM/DD/YYYY): leave blank to capture the most recent pay period, or enter a specific pay period end date at which to begin the search. To select a specific pay period, enter the same pay end date in this field and the field below.
  11. Pay Period End Date - End Range (MM/DD/YYYY): leave blank to capture the most recent pay period, or enter a specific pay period end date at which to end the search. To select a specific pay period, enter the same pay end date in this field and the field below.
  12. Include Timesheet Notes? By default, this box will be unchecked. Check this box to see notes left on modified timesheets.
  13. Select Output Format: MS Excel (XLSX) is the only output option for this report.
  14. Select Output Destination: this report can run slowly; select "Send to Completed Reports." When the report has finished, you will receive an email with a direct link to the results. Alternatively, go to the Completed Reports folder in My Catalog to open the report from within IUIE.