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Adjunct Faculty (AC2) and Student Academic Employees (AC3)

Adjunct faculty (AC2) and student academic (AC3) employees are processed using the ‘contract pay’ functionality in HRMS. Here are the basic steps from the central payroll office perspective.

  1. Department initiates eDoc to hire contract employee. Contract data is entered to specify dates.
  2. System will use these dates to divide the total contract amount into equal monthly payments.
  3. When eDoc is approved and saved in HRMS, evening batch cycle will create the Contract Payment Details record (CRS=student, CRT=non-student).
  4. The Contract Payment Details record will display the Contract Worth (total) and the calculated monthly amount based on the dates and unconfirmed monthly payrolls remaining in the contract period.
  5. As payments are processed the Current Goal Balance on the Contract Payment Details record will be updated if the valid contract ID and sequence number is entered.
  6. When the Current Goal Balance matches the Contract Worth, no other payments can be issued for this contract period.
  7. If any modifications are made to the original contract eDoc, the Contract Payment Details record should be considered the ‘source’ of the correct contract amount and remaining balance.
  8. If the hire eDoc is processed after the monthly payroll is confirmed for the first contract month, the system will automatically divide the payment amount by the remaining periods. If department/employee will allow the payments to be processed this way, it will work fine. If they want to issue a payment for the missed retro period, the process gets more complicated. Be sure to use the valid contract ID and sequence number on the adjustment voucher. Be sure to view the current payline for the employee and modify if necessary.
  9. If the contract was attached to the wrong job number for an employee, see instructions below to correct the job data and move the wages


Issues that May Cause Contract Payment Problems

  • If eDoc is for retroactive period and contract dates were in the past, system will NOT create Contract Payment Details record. Payment can be made with adjustment voucher using the ‘0’ contract ID and sequence number.
  • If any payment or adjustment is processed without using the ‘1’ sequence number, the transaction will NOT update the Current Goal Balance on the Contract Payment Details record. See instructions below to correct the contract data.
  • If eDocs are initiated to update/modify the original contract, problems can occur depending on the eDoc entry. Academic Human Resources should be consulted for assistance with entry.
  • If department wants to modify the contract pay on the current voucher for any reason, have them submit an adjustment voucher and be sure they use the valid contract ID and sequence number. Avoid corrections on the payline if possible. If you do enter or modify paylines, be sure the valid contract ID and sequence is entered.


Moving Contract Wages Between Record/Job Numbers

Follow the steps below to move contract wages from one record/job number to another record/job number for a single ID (employee).

  1. Department should process the hire eDoc on the correct record number. Ask them NOT to terminate the job on the ‘incorrect’ record until the wages have been moved. Academic Human Resources should be included in the process. They can help with the eDoc process as well.
  2. Run the Active Contrat Pay Summary - Dept Access IUIE Report located in the Departmental Reporting: Payroll Reports folder. You need to run it for each record number involved.
  3. Review the job, contract, and paycheck sections on the spreadsheet. You might want to delete everything except the current contract information in each section to make the report easier to read.
  4. The Contract Worth is the total to be paid during this contract period. The Current Goal Balance indicates what has been paid towards the goal.
  5. Verify that all paycheck data was paid using the correct contract ID and sequence number so the contract is updated and the correct Current Goal Balance is reflected on the Contract Payment Details screen.
  6. The adjustment vouchers (2) must be processed in the on-cycle payroll because you must have one adjustment voucher for each record number.
  7. If the current vouchers are already created, the contract amount is usually incorrect or on the wrong record number.
  8. You should review the current vouchers and INCLUDE adjustment transactions to correct the current month when you process the adjustment vouchers below. You will get a warning message indicating that the current pay period has not been confirmed. That message is a warning and you can click past it.
  9. Submit the first adjustment voucher on the incorrect record number to remove the contract payments (negative CRT/CRS) for each pay period that has already been processed. Include current voucher adjustment if needed.
  10. Submit the second adjustment voucher on the correct record number to add the contract payments (positive CRT/CRS) for each pay period that has already been processed. Include current voucher adjustment if needed.
  11. Adjustment vouchers for the current period may cause a funding error message on the regular voucher. It is easy to correct by removing the percent or amount.
  12. The University Payroll office will process the adjustment vouchers, usually a couple of days before the pending voucher cutoff.
  13. You will be able view the ‘calculated paycheck’ on paycheck data and review the adjustment transactions. Verify that the employee is receiving the correct gross amount for the current period. The adjustment transactions should cancel out each other and not change the current monthly amount.
  14. After the payroll is confirmed, the Contract Payment Details record should be corrected for both record numbers and reflect the correct Current Goal Balance.
  15. Have the department process the terminate eDoc on the incorrect record number or contact Academic HR for assistance.


Correcting Contract Wages

Follow the steps below to correct contract wages on a single ID and record number when transactions were processed without using the valid contract ID and sequence to update the contract.

  1. Run the Active Contract Pay Summary - Dept Access IUIE Report located in the Departmental Reporting: Payroll Reports folder.
  2. Review the job, contract, and paycheck sections on the spreadsheet. You might want to delete everything except the current contract information in each section to make the report easier to read.
  3. The Contract Worth is the total to be paid during this contract period. The Current Goal Balance indicates what has been paid towards the goal.
  4. Review the paycheck data section and find the transactions that were processed without using the valid contract ID and sequence indicator number. Overpayments processed on payments for IDs with multiple contract jobs can cause wage problems as well.
  5. The adjustment voucher can be processed in either payroll since it only involves one record number.
  6. If the current monthly vouchers are already created, the amount on the current voucher is usually incorrect.
  7. You should review the current vouchers and also INCLUDE adjustment transactions to correct the current month when you process the adjustment voucher below. You will get a warning message indicating that the current pay period has not been confirmed. That message is a warning and you can click past it.
  8. Submit an adjustment voucher. You should include each pay period that was processed without the valid contract ID and sequence number. You will be entering negative (CRT/CRS) transactions to remove the invalid contract ID amounts. You will be entering positive (CRT/CRS) transactions to apply the valid contract ID amounts. Since these transactions must be entered for each pay period (month), it will be necessary to ‘split’ the pay period. Example: enter the negative transaction for the first thru the fifteenth and enter the positive transaction for the sixteenth thru the thirtieth.
  9. The payroll office will process the adjustment vouchers usually a couple of days before the pending voucher cutoff.
  10. Adjustment vouchers for the current period may cause a funding error message on the regular voucher. It is easy to correct by removing the percent or amount
  11. You will be able view the ‘calculated paycheck’ on paycheck data and review the adjustment transactions. Verify that the employee is receiving the correct gross amount for the current period. The adjustment transactions should cancel out each other and not change the current monthly amount.
  12. After the payroll is confirmed, the Contract Payment Details record should be corrected and reflect the correct Current Goal Balance.