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Image of graphs Created for campus administrators and fiscal officers, this area provides information on how to efficiently and effectively run fund balance reports. Included in this section is information regarding the required parameters and how to get the most out of these reports. Financial information presented to external users is presented differently than these internal reports; however, the information used to create both the internal and external reports is the same.

Multi-Year Fund Balance Report - This report is used to monitor and analyze fund balances within an entity by providing the user the ability to track fund balances for 3 or 5 years with an option to include or exclude the current balances. The report is designed to allow comparative measurement and identification of fund balances at multiple levels, from the account level up to the consolidated university level, on a fiscal year basis. Additionally, the report generates a graph for visual representation of the fund balance changes.

Fund Balance by Fund Group Report - This report is used to monitor and analyze fund balances across all fund groups. It shows comparative fund balances for a fiscal year through a specificed fiscal period with an option to include prior year fund balances for year over year comparisons. Comparative measurements and identification of fund balances can be run from the department level up to the consolidated university level.